Written by Divya Vibin @studiostandLTD Image credits by UKCWwebsite Image credits by MBA Photography UK Construction Week (UKCW), held...

Success Story of MACH 2022 Exhibition
Written by Divya Vibin @studiostandLTD Image Credits by StudioStand Let’s have a look on the success tale about Mach 2022. Well, there is...

Surface Design Show 2021 - Awards
The Surface Design Awards 2021 held on Thursday 11 February 2021 was for the first time live streamed from London due the current ...

HRC 2020 @ ExCeL London
HRC - Hotel, Restaurant & Catering (formerly Hotelympia) is the UK’s largest and most prestigious event for the hospitality and food...

Studiostand @ Venues + Events Live 2019
Last week we participated at this unmissable show for event organizers and event suppliers in Old Billingsgate , London. With some of...

MACH 2018 @ NEC Birmingham UK
Access to the Hall 7 of MACH 2018 where was our customer's stand MACH is the outstanding showcase for advances in the manufacturing...

22 March 2018….A Disclosure day!
What would you imagine to find if I told you to cross the threshold of the marketing world? A lot of frenzy, men in suits and ties,...

Oceanology International 2018
Advertising photos from the show's website When you just get in, it feels like to be underwater! Blue carpets, marine graphics, stands...